About Us

Our credo

F.I.MA.L. srl

Since 1955 with Paoloni Macchine and since 2013 as F.I.MA.L. srl, we have established ourselves on the woodworking machines market – first in Marche region then worldwide with a controlled and efficient distribution network.

Today, we are an advanced company in the field of panel saws.

Fimal Woodworking Machines

For over 60 years, we have believed in the future and people.

The combination of innovative ideas and specialised techniques from which F.I.MA.L srl solutions are created is oriented towards fulfilling different needs, from the most simple to the most complex ones, with the aim of offering a complete service before, during and after the sale.

Traditional machines and special machines

Our production

Production under the F.I.MA.L. srl brand ranges from traditional machines to those for special innovative projects: circular saws, mortising machines, spindle moulders, boring machines, but also KR Spin Rotomatic and KR32-KR43 Panel saw.

From primary machining of aluminium and cast iron to the assembly and testing stages, our machines are a guarantee of quality and contemporaneity.


We work to stay close to those who choose us.

We repay your trust with the effective functional aesthetics of our machines and with the availability of our team of professionals.

Fimal Woodworking Machines
Fimal Woodworking Machines
Design and functionality

Functional aesthetics is our vocation

At F.I.MA.L. srl functionality works hand in hand with beauty.

Whether traditional or special, the woodworking machines combine efficiency, ease of use, technical innovation with great attention to detail, finishing precision and studied design.

Improving the standards of everyday life is obtained through functional aesthetics, synonymous with a dynamic and conscientious philosophy to build the present.

Our know-how

Made in Italy is our essential quality

Based in Marche region and Italian for generations, F.I.MA.L. srl has the quality raw materials and know-how to create precision machines finished to the last detail, with a team of professionals that follow the entire production process.

The distribution network is our value

After sales service

The wide range of machines manufactured by F.I.MA.L. srl meets all woodworking needs, including qualified and professional distributors worldwide.

Together with coordination and support of the in-house After-sales service, the F.I.MA.L. international distribution network guarantees customised advice in the purchase phase and easy, rapid and efficient routine and extraordinary machine servicing.